Monday, July 19, 2010

the Deb

Went along to the Wheeler Centre's Debut Mondays last night (I'll be reading there on August 2).

Three novelists - not particularly Melbourne-specific - and one poet were on. The poet was Andy Jackson, and I had come across his work before. Having just walked through the crowded, modern Pan-Asian street scene that is the north end of Swanston Street on a Monday night at 6pm, I particularly liked the title poem of his new book Among the Regulars - about being on the margins of things, being the outsider, being, in effect, the person who makes everything else "normal". (Jackson is sometimes described as "physically unusual")...sometimes it's the people at the edges of things who have the best grip on feelings the rest of us can't quite get at. And yes it was a Melbourne poem, set in the city streets, with the towers casting angled shadows.

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